
Vital Statistics

Name: Raichi (or Lychee in Viz version)
Age: 16
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Reddish-Orange
First Appearance (Anime): Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: Kirin
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Raichi is a young Chinese girl from China, and the rightful heir to the half of the scroll of the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists. It was given to either her or her ancestors by the traveling Happosai, who had stolen it from the stronghold of Kirin long ago and given away for safekeeping.

Happosai had promised the bearer of the scroll happiness in marriage, but seeing as no one had showed up for a very long time, Raichi and her elephant Jasmne had followed and tracked Happosai's path all the way to Japan, where they finally caught up with him (after making a mess of the Tendo Dojo in the process).

In disgust, Raichi threw the scroll back at Happosai, berating him for not making it work sooner. The scroll happened to end up in the hands of Akane, and it was that exact moment that Kirin appeared in his flying ship to pick up the bearer of the scroll, who now was Akane. Much to Raichi's dismay and emotional trauma, Kirin took Akane away instead of Raichi.

In tears, Raichi chased after Kirin's flying ship, hooking up with Ranma and his friends along the way. They all followed the trail to China, where, after a climatic battle between Ranma and Kirin, Akane was finally rescued. Raichi at first wanted to leave to travel to parts unknown, but stayed at Kirin's request. The two were eventually married several months later.

Personality: Raichi is strong and independant in some senses but dependant and passive in others. She feels she has led a life full of tragedy and will tell the story to any who will listen. Easily swayed by a situation, her emotions can sometimes overtake her when what she wants is at stake.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez